Current Status Update

We’ve been re-opened to the public for a month now, and we’d like to thank everyone (except for those two people), for adhering to our policy of sanitizing and wearing a mask in our store. We’re still strongly suggesting that if you’re visiting, to book an appointment via the BOOKING link above. It’s not required, but it does guarantee you won’t be waiting for your turn to enter as we are still limiting the amount of people inside. We’re still on a limited hourly schedule as well. So please be sure to check our hours and all other information here on this site.

The e-store has been closed down due to issues that have come up. Some of it is stupid stuff, some of it is double billing. The rest isn’t worth boring you with. I’m not sure if it will return or not as we’ve been pretty busy in store – and it’s like running two businesses with the online portion still going. Should it return, a huge portion of the items listed online will no longer be offered. Specifically, LJN WWF figures, Board Games, Hot Toys, Simpsons, Superheroes, and many other misc items. G.I. Joe and Star Wars may be the only items we focus online. I’ll update more on that at a later date.

If you’ve missed it on our Social Media pages, we’re offering $25,000 right now for collections. So if you’ve been considering selling your stuff, or just need to get a big influx of cash because of Covid19, please drop us a line. While we always consider anything, there is some items we’re hoping to dedicate the majority of that money towards.

As always, please check our social media pages for updates on collections and other happenings.
