WEB SITE NEWS: We’ve re-opened our web site for online orders again. Many of you really wanted us to leave it up, so we’re going to give it a try and have the site running while the store is open. Please be aware however – just because something is listed online, doesn’t mean it’s accessible in the store. Orders are to be picked up Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the same week. We’ve removed the local delivery option as well. We may bring it back in the future, with a small delivery fee. For now, it’s strictly local pick ups at the store.
APPOINTMENT BOOKINGS: When we re-open on Thursday, May the 28th, things will be a little different. We’ll only be allowing two people in the store at a time, and it will be on an appointment basis. There’s some stipulations we’ve put in place should you want to visit the store in person. They’re listed on the booking page.
HOURS OF OPERATION: The “new normal” is going to take some getting used to, so we’re doing this slowly. For starters, we’re only going to be open three days a week to start. Thursday 12pm-5pm. Friday 12pm-5pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm. If you can’t make it during those times, and you have an order to pick up, please message us and we’ll see what we can do.
BUYING COLLECTIONS: Yes, we’re still buying collections. And we’ve found a safe way to do so, and to pay you for your items safely as well. Please contact us for more information on this. We are however limiting what types of collections we’re buying right now. So please send us a message.
Folks, that’s all I have at this time. Should I have anymore information for you, I’ll be sure to post it immediately. Thank you all for your patience during this time, and thank you again for the support you’ve shown us. We see the postings on social media and various web sites, and we won’t forget them. Thank you.